Like most sports, professional bull riding has many phrases with specific meanings. To help understand the action, here’s a helpful list of definitions to some of the terminology you may hear at a PCB competition
Away from his hand
Riders use the term for when the bull spins in the opposite direction of the rider’s grip hand. For instance, a bull moving left while ridden by a right-hander is said to be moving “away from his hand.”
An important part of the PCB, the barrelman’s responsibility is to entertain the crowd during breaks in the competition. You’ll spot him near a barrel placed in the center of the arena, which serves as a point of safety from the bulls for both the barrelman and the riders.
Bucked off
When a bull rider is thrown from the bull in less than eight seconds, he’s “bucked off” and no points are awarded.

A bull ride begins inside a steel box known as the “chute.” The number of chutes can vary depending on the arena. Rider and bull stay in the chute until the rider is ready and gives the signal to open the chute.
Down in the well
Riders use this to describe when the force of the bull spinning pulls them down to the animal’s side.
First go
Typically the initial round of a PCB competition.
Free hand
This is the hand the rider does not use to hold the bull rope. The rider’s free hand has to remain in the air for the duration of the ride.
Into his hand
This phrase describes when the bull spins in the same direction of the rider’s grip hand.
The judges
PCB judges issue a rider’s score based on performance. Judges also give scores for the bull’s performance too.
Muley – A muley is simply a bull without horns.
Qualified ride – Successfully riding the bull for eight seconds results in a qualified ride, which earns a score from the judges.
Second go – typically the second round of a PCB competition.
Short go – usually the championship round of a PCB competition.
Turn back – a bucking pattern in which the bull moves in one direction but makes a sudden move to the opposite direction.